Remember Youth for Change

Why Our Work is Critical

Remember Youth for Change is teaching skills that help former child soldiers and displaced children in refugee camps return to their lives — and return to joy.

Children outside of a camp in Goma, DRC

For 18+ years the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo has been embroiled in a bitter civil war that has affected over 40,000 children from the ages of 6-16. Conscripted child soldiers form 30% of soldiers operating in various militia groups in the DRC, according to the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the DRC.

Remember Youth for Change (RYC) is a registered non-profit in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Since 2016 we have been working with youth impacted by the ongoing civil war, with special attention paid to former child soldiers.  Our mission is to bring hope for traumatized youth affected by war in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

RYC gives these children a different path for their future through skills, mental health support and community reintegration. Through our professional trades programs in fields such as carpentry, tailoring, and agriculture plus creativity, reading and writing workshops new skills and confidence is built. In turn, economic opportunities are created that offer new paths for their lives and brighter futures.

The benefits to children through playing are well documented and include stress coping and regulating emotions, which makes community reintegration with “kids helping kids” play activities such as music, sports, and drama even more essential.

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